Friday, February 27, 2009



There you go! That phrase explains it all. I am so bored at home. Nothing to do. Just play basketball, play PS2, go online, go to the gym and watch TV. Today was just as usual. Wake up, watch TV, go for basketball, go to the gym and ate at BK after gym (Malam2 pon makan BK. Mana x gemowk). So, since I was so bored I'm gonna tell you readers a story about me. It's about the name KAORU. Many had asked me before what does Kaoru means? And what is the connection between Danial and Kaoru? Well, here's the story...

Once upon a time, lived a chubby yet cute lil' boy named Muhamad Danial Bin Kamarul Baharim or just Danial for short. Danial was 5 years young at that time. His hobby besides eating was watching TV. So, his favourite show at that time was a Japanese anime called Flame of Recca. In that anime, one of the character's name is Koganei Kaoru. He loved that character so much. So, when he played 'superhero' with his friends, some will chose to be Batman or Superman while some prefer Ultraman and Spiderman. But Danial was different. He chose to be Kaoru instead. Yes, what a wierdo he is.

After years have passed, he finally got a computer and an internet connection. When he was trying to think of a catchy name for his e-mail address, he taught of that name...


So he put his e-mail address as *** (If you want to know my e-mail address just ask it it from me). And when he plays Ragnarok (an online game), he put's the name Kaoru. Since then, he was known as Kaoru in his online world. But the name was still not well known in real world until he was 16. He moved to SMKS9. There was 2 Danial's in the class. Danial and Daniel. So, in order to differentiate between the two (since they have the same name and same skin colour), the dudes in the class called him Kaoru since they saw it at his Myspace display name (Danial_Kaoru). And the name Kaoru got more popular in the real world. One day at the basketball court, the guys suddenly called him Kaoru for no particular reason since they saw the display name at Myspace as well. And the name Kaoru got even more well known.

After years have passed, the name Kaoru has become his trade mark. K-A-O-R-U. This 5 letters forms the name Kaoru which means something small and precious (but Danial was not and will never be small but he sure is precious) has been a part of Danial's name now. He is now known as Danial_Kaoru both in the online world or in reality.

And so, that is how it all started. And he lives happily ever after.

The End...

That's all for now. Later...
-Danial KAORU-

P.S. To all my friends, ajak la I keluar. Dah berminggu-minggu tak hang out.


  1. Danial ,
    seriously . .
    L-A-M-E ! ! !

    Arlow . .
    Just found your timid blog . .

    The post is really lame . .
    Dude ,
    I don't have a car . .
    So I can't ajak la mangkuk . .
    Adoi ~

  2. sumpah jahat gila hilal! hish. Now I know why Kaoru! LoL. Sian u
    i pun boring dowh!!
    mari kita buat "kelab bosan sedunia"
