Sunday, February 22, 2009

Mama's Birthday :)

Happy Birthday Mama..! Today, February 22nd 2009 is my mom's birthday. That morning I had to be the maid in the house cuz she's the queen the day. So, I had to clean up the whole kitchen and do all the dishes. That evening my dad took us out to The Curve. We took a walk at The Curve and saw Nabil, Raja Lawak. If you are wondering why is he there, LU PIKIR LA SENDIRI..! How should I know why he's there. But it seems like he's waiting for someone. Maybe his girlfrind or even just his friends. Anyways, lu pikir la sendiri sapa yg dia tgh cari tu. LOL, enough with the lu pikir la sendiri thingy. Then we went to Ikea. There, we went to the food court. I ordered Sweedish Meatball. I just love the taste of the gravy mix wif the cranberry sauce. Yummy;P We also saw Erra Fazira there. She's pregnant. Although she has a big belly she's still beautiful. But kesian gak ar kt dia cuz masa tgh makan ada 2-3 org yg datang mintak autograph and amik gamba ngn dia. Biar la dia nk makan dulu. Dia pon lapar gak. Apa la dorang tu. But sedih la gak cuz nobody asked for my autograph. Sob Sob;( LOL, crapping again. My mom still don't know what to ask for her birthday present. So basically my dad still owes her a present. Me and my sibling also gave her nothing yet. Dunno what to give her.

And remember I promised to put the picture of the new basketball I bought yesterday? Here's the pics of itand some pics at Ikea food court.


  1. wah...happy birthday to ur beautiful mother,,,


    btol ker result kuar 23 feb???

    wei, sape kenal u sampai nak minx autograph. lu pkir ah sendiri.
    anyhoo, giler sedap wei meatball dia.
    wey. mende result kuar 23 hbulan ni?

  3. ohh.
    happy belated birthday aunt!
    ohoh dan,
    best gila clebration bday mum you.
    jmpe org mcm2.
