Thursday, May 14, 2009

Dream Girl..!

I had nothing to write about today in my blog. My life is very monotonous today. The usual routine. Because of that, I'm gonna be writing about my dream girl.

Let's get into the prologue part first. I don't care if you guys wanna believe it or not, but I never had a girlfriend my entire life. I'm gonna be 18 this September but never had a single girlfriend yet. 90% of the people who I told this fact didn't believe me.

It's not that like I never had a crush on anybody or nobody had a crush on me. It's just that I'm too choosy in choosing the right girl to be my GF. As a result, here I am. Still single after 17 over years. LOL. It's ok. I'm not desperate to have a GF aite now. I mean, it's pointless to couple and then break off after a few months. Bodoh je. That's why I'm too choosy. So far, I haven't found the right one yet.

Now, lemme describe a lil' bit about the type of gurl that I like.

The type of girl that interests Danial Kaoru:

1. Pretty. I don't really have a specific definition of pretty as in she has to be at least 5'5" tall and has to have long blond hair or such. As long as I think that she's pretty, it means that she's pretty. Sometimes, imperfections makes something unique. Pretty girls doesn't always have to be a perfect lady.

2. Optimistic. I like individuals who are optimistic. Positive thinking most of the time. Not the type who always had bad impressions towards the partner and being jealous of every small things. It's annoying.

3. Has good attitude. Most of the time, the attitude matters more than the look. Most of the time, girls who have good attitude as in kind, not wild, polite and respect others attracts me. Besides, who would wanna have a girl with bad attitude as their GF?

4. Has high sense of humour. It's boring to have a partner who doesn't know how to make jokes and is too serious most of the time. I mean, if I make a joke, I expect her too laugh and not just being blur. And it's no fun if she's too serious and doesn't know how to make me smile and laugh.

5. Smart. I like smart girls. I don't like those who ignores academic achievement. Those who don't bother to study hard, get good results in exams and furthering their studies in good university. Lame..! Smart girls are even more interesting to talk too since they are knowledgeable in may topics. And bare in mind that you don't have to be a nerd to be smart.

6. Comes from a good family background. Obviously, if a girl comes from a good family, it'll be easier for us to continue our relationship since the family blesses our relationship. Besides that, a good family shapes a good child. So, the girl will be good too since she's surrounded by good environments most of the time.

That's all I guess. It must be difficult to find a girl who compliments all the criteria above. Just hope that I'll actually find one like so soon.

P/S: I don't hate gedik girls. They're interesting. But over'gedik'ness is annoying. Just make sure that the gedik-ness is under control.

That's all for now. Later...
-Danial Kaoru-


  1. HAHA.
    ceh ceh, u dh keluarkan statement of the year neh ;))
    sumpah i terkejut u call ouh hari tu -_____-"
    dahlah tengah nak solat isya' ;P

  2. Aku ada calon sesuai untuk ko. Hafiy mcm ada ciri-ciri je. Haha. Ko nk awek baik kena ah jd baik.

    Jom jd baik jom. haha.

  3. uish
    terasa dohhhh yang gedik tuhhh
    yelah yelah. HATE ME!! go ahead =P
    haha. anyway, good luck finding ur dream girl!
    n lek ar
    buat ape nk couple2 skrg
    buang masa
    hahaha [ look who's talking]

  4. haha.
    gedik sikit2 tkpe lahh kan?
    thank god.
