Monday, May 11, 2009

Lee Chong Wei

HELLO, PEOPLE..! How are you doing today?

I had my Shell scholarship interview this afternoon at 12.00pm sharp. Yes, the shell people was very very punctual. They're not even a minute late or a minute early. Have to respect that, people. The interviewer's name is Ashley. She sounds like an American lady. Well, I'm not sure if she's American or not. But I'm sure that she's Caucasian.

Right after the interview, Syahir called to invite me to Kemuncak to play badminton. When I said right after the interview, I really meant it. It really was 30 seconds after the interview.

This evening, I went to Kemuncak to play badminton. Ehsan, Syahir and Hafiy came along. Ehsan kept on shouting "AKU LEE CHONG WEI..!" everytime he smashes the shuttlecock. It's so funny.

Then, me, Hafiy and Ehsan nyanyi karaoke in the badminton court. As usuall, Ehsan modified the songs so that it becomes a "kutuk-hafiy-song".

We're planning a sleepover at Hafiy's place tomorrow.
I'll update you guys about it soon.
Here's 2 pics of Hafiy yang dah kurus..

That's all for now. Later...
-Danial Kaoru-

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