Friday, May 1, 2009

Shawty Get Loose..!

Shawty get loose
Baby do what you do
Lemme see you let down your hair
Shawty get loose
Hit the dance floor & act like there's nobody else in here
Shawty get loose
Crump clown break it on down baby do yo thang
Shawty get loose
P H A T phat baby I aint even know you could break it down like that

That [7x]
Shawty get loose
That [7x]
Shawty get loose

That is the chorus for the song Shawty Get Loose by Lil' Mama feat. Chris Brown and T-Pain.

Try listening to that song. Maybe you guys would like it. I can't force you guys to like it cuz it's a hip-hop gendered song and not everybody can accept hip-hop. Click the link below to listen to the song.

As promised yesterday, today I'm gonna talk a lil' bit about hip-hop. First of all I don't want you guys to get the wrong perception about hip-hop. Hip-hop is not just about rappers talking so fast like a bullet that you don't get a word he's saying. A BIG N-O there. Rapping is just one part of hip-hop. Hip-hop is actually a culture. Rapping, breakdancing, graffiti writing, DJ-ing, hip-hop slang and fashion; all those make up hip-hop. Songs like R&B and soul also fall into hip-hop category. For example, the song Right Now (Na Na Na) by Akon is a hip-hop song. But it has no rapping in it.

So, now do you guys get what hip-hop is?

If yes, give yourself a big clap.
If no, you're an idiot.

I'm a fan of hip-hop FYI. I like CB, Akon and many more. I don't even know why I like hip-hop. It's just that the songs suit my soul. BTW, rap stands for rhythm and poem. As for R&B, it stands for rhythm and blues. Hehehe, lupa nak tulis pasal ni meaning of rap and R&B kat atas td.

That's all for the hip-hop part.

Now, remember a few days ago I wrote
in my blog that titled PSP that I'm gonna buy an iPhone the next day? I didn't get to buy it. Someone bid it for RM2000 and that guy sold it to him. DAMN IT..! That was MY iPhone. Bodoh je orang tu pegi bid harga tinggi. I'm really pissed off about that matter. I hope that 'my' iPhone buyer accidentally drop 'my' iPhone and a passer-by accidentally kick it to the middle of the road and a big cement lorry roll over it. YES..! AND THE BUYER WOULD BE CRYING CUZ HIS RM2000 iPhone WAS CRUSHED LIKE MY HEART..!

Fuyoo, jahat giler aku ni. Biar la aku nak jahat pon. He stole my right to buy that iPhone. GRRR..! Just let it go. Not my rezeki, aite?


What more should I crap about aite here?

Oh yea..! Do you guys know that I'm actually a fan of jiwang? Nope, not love stories but Jiwang instead. The love scenes in Indonesian movies or dramas. I don't like the love scenes in Western movies or dramas cuz it always ended up with smooching and making love.


Bodoh je...

The Indonesian ones are much better. Yesterday I watched the drama series Upik Abu & Laura at Youtube cuz I missed one episode cuz I went to KL with friends. So, I watched that episode at Youtube and came across a very sweet scene.

There. Click the link above to watch it. I dunno if some off you gross out after watching it but for me it's really sweet the way how that gurl (Laura) was the one who actually made the first move instead of that guy (Irwansyah) and how the guy responded to it in a very jiwang-ish manner which was COOL. I mean, it's always the guy who made the first move all this while. Wouldn't it be nice for the gurl to actually say ILY first instead of the guy?

To Girls: Sometimes, guys are unsure whether you like him or not. That is why they seem to be a lil' ego in expressing love. They're afraid that they would get turn on. So, it'll be nice if the gurl confess first that she loves him so that it'll be easier for us, guys to make our move.

WTF am I crapping about? Since when am I a love guru?

Now, as for today I didn't do much. I went to basketball this evening. Faez and Yoep came too. I had a good game today. Managed to make a solid block on Akmal and a few unbelievable shot. Hehehe, bangga sorang2. Poyo je aku ni.

Tonight I was suppose to play basketball with Ifran but we canceled the plan cuz it was already 11.00pm and he just got back from KL.

Well, that's all the crapping for today. Thanks for reading, people.

That's all for now. Later...
-Danial Kaoru-


  1. 'So, it'll be nice if the gurl confess first that she loves him so that it'll be easier for us, guys to make our move.'
    sorry danny, but as for me, i would NEVER be the one who makes the first move. NEVER EVER. malu laaaaa.

  2. omg danny.
    i tgk video abu & laura tu
    sumpah perangai laura sebijik mcm i.

  3. rv poyo je malu2...
    u bukan xtau malu ke??
    kalo ngn i slumber je u cakap 'i sayang you'...
    kalo ngn org yg u ske asal malu lak??

  4. btw, perangai u ada sket la mcm laura...
    but if u 100% cam laura dari segi look and perangai da lama i date u:P

  5. "To Girls: Sometimes, guys are unsure whether you like him or not. That is why they seem to be a lil' ego in expressing love. They're afraid that they would get turn on. So, it'll be nice if the gurl confess first that she loves him so that it'll be easier for us, guys to make our move."

    Betol dowh benda nih. Aku setuju 100%. Caya lah ko. Haha.

  6. hahaha....

    : Sometimes, guys are unsure whether you like him or not. That is why they seem to be a lil' ego in expressing love. They're afraid that they would get turn on.

    ko tulis benda ni...ko kena fikir gak...takkan laki jer rasa takut kena tolak..pompuan lagi ah malu kalo laki tu tak ske dia plak.....pompuan dah ah sensitif...nanges tak berlagu karang pas kena tolak...

  7. yennadey
    da mmg betul i sayang u
    kata kawan baek i :)

    jahat gila u.
    i taw la i tak lawa.

  8. btw, i mmg ta pemalu.
    but bila time bab nak confess camtu, i inferior sekit.
    contoh terbaek, i da memendam perasaan mcm org gila for 3 DAMN YEARS.
