ni adalah benar... sila baca sehingga habis... dan tlg sebarkan kepada seberapa byk org Islam yg boleh...
Nabi Muhammad SAW iaitu Sheikh Ahmad
Maeine (Saudi Arabia).
pada suatu malam ketika membaca Al-Quran di
makam Rasulullah SAW.
selepas membaca lalu
hamba tertidur, dalam tidur hamba bermimpi
didatangi Rasulullah SAW lalu bersabda kepada
hamba, dalam 60 000 orang yang meninggal
dunia di zaman ini tiada seorang pun yang
matinya dalam keadaan beriman.
(a)isteri tidak mendengar kata suami.
(b)orang kaya tidak lagi bertimbang rasa.
(c)orang tidak lagi berzakat dan tidak membuat kebajikan.
Oleh itu wahai Sheikh Ahmad, hendaklah kamu
menyedarkan kepada orang Islam ini supaya
membuat kebajikan, kerana hari
bintang akan terbit dari langit, sesudah itu
matahari akan turun di atas kepala.
(a) berselawat - untuk junjungan Nabi kita Muhammad SAW.
(b) bertaubatlah - dengan segera sementara Pintu Taubat masih terbuka.
(c) Bersembahyangla
(d) berzakat - jangan ditinggalkan.
(e) Menunaikan Fardhu haji - bila berkemampuan.
(f) Jangan menderhaka kepada kedua ibu bapa.
menerima surat ini dan beliau telah mencatak
sebanyak 20 salinan dan mengirimkan kepada
orang lain, dia kemudiannya dianugerahi Allah
dengan mendapat keuntungan yang besar
dalam perniagaannya.
2. seorang hamba Allah telah menerima surat
ini tetapi tidak mengendahkannya
menganggap wasiat ini palsu, maka selang
beberapa hari kemudian anaknya meninggal
3. Pada tahun 1977 Tun Dato Mustapha bekas
Ketua Menteri Sabah menerima wasiat ini
kemudian mengarahkan setiausahanya
mencetak sebanyak 20 salinan dan
menghantarnya kepada orang lain, maka
selang beberapa hari kemudian dia telah
mendapat hadiah dari kebajikan masyarakat di
malaysia timur.
4. tan sri ghazali jawi, bekas menteri besar
perak secara tidak langsung dipecat dari
jawatannya kerana apabila beliau menerima
wasiat ini beliau terlupa mencetak 20 salinan
untuk disebarkan kepada orang lain tetapi
beliau telah menyedari kesilapannya lalu
beliau mencetak semula wasiat ini dan
mengirimkannya kepada orang lain, beberapa
hari kemudian beliau telah dilantik menteri
Kabinet Perdana Menteri.
5. Zulfikar Ali Bhuno telah menerima surat
wasiat ini dan tidak percaya akan
kebenarannya juga menganggap palsu lalu
membuangnya ke dalam tong sampah.
seminggu kemudian beliau telah dijatuhkan
hukuman pancung sampai mati.
Banyak lagi contoh-contoh orang yang
menerima wasiat ini tetapi tidak
mempercayainya dan tidak mengedarkannya
atau menyampaikan kepada orang lain.
mereka mendapat malapetaka.
kejadian yang menggembirakan dan
menyakinkan ini anda jangan lupa
menyampaikan 20 salinan wasiat dalam masa
96 jam dari masa anda menerimanya.
InsyaAllah anda akan memperolehi sesuatu
dari YANG MAHA KUASA dengan penuh keyakinan pasti ia akan menerangi hidup anda dengan nikmat kebahagiaan hidup. ISNYAALLAH.
setelah membaca wasiat ini hendaklah ditulis atau dicetak dan disampaikan kepda orang lain sebanyak 20 salinan. sekiranya telah dilakukan anda akan dianugerahkan sesuatu nikmat atau hajat anda akan dikabulkan oleh ALLah.
kata sheikh ahmad lagi. jika apa yang hamba katakan ini tidak benar, biarlah hamba mati dalam kekufuran dan hamba tidak mendapat perlindungan dan syafaat Rasulullah SAW naaauzubillah. oleh itu hendaklah ditulis atau dicetak dan disampaikan kepada orang lain.
insyaAllah dalam masa 2 minggu anda akan berolah kebahagiaan dan ingatlah lakukan ini dengan hati yang ikhlas dan janganlah diabaikan atau dibiarkan
So, are there any of you who are actually planning to post this to 20 friends? If you're planning to do so, ask yourself right now (na na na)... Are you gonna post it because you wanna spread some advice to our Muslim cousins or is it that you're afraid of getting misfortunes? If you're saying that you're doing it because of both, then you're also counted as those who post it because you're afraid of the misfortunes that awaits.
Now people, I hate these kind of chain letters and it's making me really pissed off aite here. First of all, misfortunes come from Allah. He gave misfortunes to His creatures to test their Iman level or to teach them a lesson for disobeying Him. So, have you ever even once in your life heard or even encounter a verse in Quran or Hadith saying that if you don't post an advice to 20 people, you're gonna get misfortunes? Never in my life have I encountered such thing.
There are too many of us who comminted sins every single day in our daily life. And I'm one of them too. Yes, I'm not a perfectly alim person but I'm trying to improve my self to be a better Muslim aite here.
There're a lot of Muslims out there who did not complete their Fardhu prayers 5 times a day. And some of them didn't fast during Ramadan. Many of us did not close our aurat. You can also see couples who are not yet married holding hands, hugging and also kissing at shopping malls or just around the neighbourhood. Do you think that those people are so fucking dumb that they don't know what they did was a sin and they might get misfortunes from Allah sooner or later. But they're not afraid of this. But they are afraid of some fucking chain letters. WTF is wrong with those people?
It's like a trend nowadays to put some 'Islamic touch' in chain letters so that people would think that the misfortunes are really gonna happen if they don't re-post the letter. And I hate it most when some actually fell for it. They can say that they post it just for fun but even having a little taughts in the heart that he/she is gonna get misfortunes if he/she did not re-post it is already counted as Syrik. This is because they kinda have the feelings that the letter are powerful that it can give misfortunes to them. WTF? Allah decides it all. You don't know when you'll get a misfortunes. All this shitty chain letters are Khurafat.
Honestly, I've posted a chain letter once when I was in form 3 cuz I taught it's real. But after thinking about it again, I felt stupid. then when I start getting so called 'Islamic' chain letters, I had a taught that it might be real but I took it positively and told my self that it's stupid. Dato' Dr. Fadzilah Khamsah once discussed about this and he said that this is all false.
I've ignored many chain letters. Some sounds like this... "if you don't repost this, you'll be killed by a woman with a knife at 1.00am tonight". Well, too bad, I slept at 2.00am every night. So the lady can't kill me while I was asleep. LOL. Another one sounds like this... "if you don't repost this, you'll get killed in the bathroom tonight". But I wonder why I'm still alive? It's because the chain letter is so fucking fake. I even got some which sound like this... "If you re-post it to 15 ppl, you'll make love with your girlfriend tomorrow night" LOL, now that's cool. Joking okay... No sex before marriage. Haram.
So, I hope that you readers would stop posting chain letters. Don't make a fool of yourself. If you wanna post some advice like the chain letter above then go ahead but cut off the 'chain letter'-ish part.
This morning after breakfast I called Arvie. We chit-chated for 50 min 47 sec. But that's not even close to our recored. After abis cakap gi hall nak tgk TV but adik2 nak tgk cartoon. Astro kat my room plak ada prob. Tak leh nak tgk. So da borink call Mira plak. Cakap for 17 min then dia kene gi tarian. So, letak la phone.
Now, today my parents bought me a new computer table cuz mine was really old and it's shakey. Thank you Papa & Mama. But thank you kat Papa lebih cuz Papa yang bayarkan. It's big and comfortable. Will post a pic of it in the next post.
That evening Acap picked me up from home to the basketball court. He said to pick me up in 5 minutes but he took 15 minutes to reach my house cuz Jullian and Amin were bullying him. They asked him to drive them to D'Pangkin. Then they pressed the honk many times along the way. Neighbours sure pissed off ngan dorang. Then we played basketball and dunks as usuall. then Acap sent me, Arif and Ijoe back home. Thanks Acap for driving us around.
Tonight I my parents and I brought up a 2 seater sofa from the hall downstairs into my room and brought down a 3 seater sofa from my sister's room to the hall downstairs. Bayangkan betapa berat and susahnya nak bawak naik turun tangga sofa besar giler. Penat weyh~~
Then we went to Tesco cuz my mom wanna buy CD to hear in the car. LOL, you guys must wonder in the world did she bought it at Tesco. Well, it's because it's the closest CD store to our house in BJ. But tak banyak choice kat sana. Akon's latest album, FREEDOM were also there. But download lagi best. Free. So my mom bought a CD which contains some ol' skool songs and we ate at Restoran Sri TTDI. It's kinda wierd cuz I ate 2 plates of rice there. Mula2 makan satu pinggan nasik ngan Tom Yam Seafood. Then nasik da abis but Tom Yam banyak lagi so order lagi sepinggan nasik. Dah lama giler tak tambah nasik. Slalu sepinggan macam cukup but dunno why today very hungry. Orang cakap kalo tetiba makan banyak giler ni maknanye ada Jin dalam badan. Takut~~ But takpe lah. Yang penting kenyang. Bila kenyang kita jadi happy kan Mira?
I'm currently addicted with the song Hate That I Love You by Rihanna feat. Ne-Yo. I know it's an old song. Bak kata Amirul, "That is so last year" but who cares. Suka hati la nak ske lagi apa. I sang that song a lot at basketball court just now:)
Thank you for reading this looooooong post.
To Nuha: Ni I da bitau la ni I ada wireless. And see you Thursday too.
To Shay: Ye lah. Lepet. Aku percaya ko betul.
To Izura: Maybe tax la kot. Da mahal2 pon nak charge tax
To Billy: Haha, didn't know that you have a blog. I know that I'm an outdated person. Sob2. And I miss you too. We live like 5 minutes walk away from each other and the basketball court is only 1 block away from your house but I wonder why we haven't seen each other for so long.
To Fanah: Mana ada I kaya. Beli2 sumer tu murah je. Skrg ada sale at Harvey Norman. And mmg gila bengang bila shut down tetiba. Rasa cam nak tumbuk je monitor. N mmg tengah jakun ar ni.
That's all for now. Later...
-Danial Kaoru-
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