Saturday, March 21, 2009

I am HOT..!

I know you guys are making the puking face when you read the title. LOL. Well, I didn't say that I'm hot as in hot like hensem giler. What i meant was that I felt really hot today. The weather was so hot that it made me felt hot.

This afternoon, I was dissapointed when I watched NBA cuz Miami Heat LOST to New Jersey Nets. I mean like tak logic giler dorang boleh kalah. Dah la Nets tu team lemah. Sedih je;( But it's ok. Cleveland Cavs is #1 in the league aite now. FYI, my fave team in NBA league is Cleveland Cavaliers aka Cavs. Why? Because Lebron is playing in that team. Dugh~

Then, my bro's friend and my sister's friend crashed in at my place. My parents bought Domino's Pizza for lunch and went to KL.

At 5.30pm, Acap picked up me and my bro and took us to the basketball court. It was 5.30 at that time and the Sun was still so hot. Usually dah redup pukul 5.30. But today was extra panas. We played a total of 3 half court games. At first we played 2 games. Then everyone was dying in thirst so I decided to buy 2 big bottles of isotonic drinks for them. So, I went to 99 Speedmart with Acap and bought 2 big bottles of 7-Up Revive. When I got back to the court, everyone was so happy to see the bottles. Macam jakun je tak pernah minum air. LOL.

Then we played another 3 on 3 game. Well, it's not really 3 on 3 la. More like 3 on 2 quarter cuz my team was me, Arif and my 10 y/o bro. My bro kira 1/4 je la. And we're up against Akmal, Acap and Kamal. My god. That match was so tiring. Dah la opponent kuat2. Penat giler. I am soooooo exhausted aite now. Penat like hell. Rasa macam nak demam pon ada. It's all because of that game. But penat pon lantak la. Asalkan fun:)

And when I got home, I got into the toilet, looked into the mirror and SURPRISE...! Guess what I saw? Myself of course. Half naked. I was wearing a towel at that time. But that's not the real surprise yet. Guess what else I found out? I GOT SUNBURN..! NOOOOOO...! Sedih je:( But lantak la. It's not that you guys can tell the difference. Kalau tak sunburn pon hitam jugak kulit I.

Well, I ran out of ideas to write. So, let's get to the comment reply part. Shall we?

To Fanah: OK, nnt hang out lagi.

To Arif: HAHAHA..! Aku saja je salahkan ejaan tu sbb nak test ada tak orang yang perasan. Tengok2 ko perasan. Bagus, ko mmg cekap. HAHA, da silap nak buat alasan lak aku ni.

To Nuha: Budak tu mmg comel. Macam I jugak la:P Perasan la plak I ni.

To Fanah & Baya: Kalau nak jumpa dia korang datang basketball court at Serambi esk pukul 5.30. Kitorang ada situ.

That's all for now. Later...
-Danial Kaoru-


  1. haha.
    apa lagi?
    jom serbu court.

  2. eleh.
    tau xpe pasal making that puking face

  3. lol.k la mmg pun..but i think faeqa n u matching KOT..u like to talk n faeqa also likes to talk when she really wants too not assuming anything now as u just wasted your time typing that loooong msg back to me..:)
    have a great day..slm

  4. omg, i gelak gilagila sampai guling atas lantai part u kena sunburn.
    seriusly, mmg tak ada difference kot :P
    gurau lah.

    p.s: u tak pernah comel, okay ;)

  5. haha.. jom jom serbu!!
    i nak buat2 tgh jogging arrr
    and lawak la part yang sunburn tu.. hehe..

    ps; baca anonymous comment kat my Shut Up, Baby post!!
    die jahat gila ; (
