Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Handphone conflict

This evening around 3.30pm, I went to Restaurant Mak Jah at D'Pangkin with my mom for lunch. I met Yoep and Dhamirah there. I wanted to talk to them but malas kacau orang tgh dating:D Then Syahir called and invited me to lepak with him and Ayie at Old Town White Coffee at Shah Alam Mall. After fininshed eating, we picked up my siblings from school, picked up Ehsan and head off to Mall. We lepak at Old Town while chit-chatting about Syahir's experience during JPA interview today. Syahir, Amira and Faeqa did their interviews today. Syahir said it all went well.

Then, we discussed about what handphone I should buy. I told them that I'm gonna but the Nokia 5800 but they said it's better to get an iPhone. FYI, Ayie, Syahir and Ehsan are using iPhones. I was the only one at the table who used a cheap phone. LOL. Then, we surveyed iPhones at the Digital Corner downstairs and I found a booth which sells 3G iPhone for RM2200. I'll try and survey some more at Subang Parade this weekend with Syahir and Ehsan. The funny thing was that at first the workers at all the booths didn't wanna attend to me so much when I asked about iPhone. But, after seeing Ehsan, Syahir and Ayie tooking their iPhones out of their pockets, they suddenly became friendly and attended to me. Maybe dorang ingat I takde duit nak beli iPhone and sesaja tanya-tanya kot. Bongok tol. Budget aku ni miskin sangat takde duit nak beli iPhone!!?Dah nampak kawan-kawan pakai iPhone baru nak attend
>=( BTW, I also met Helmi there at the phone booth.

At 6.30pm, my mom called and asked me to buy 1/2 gallon of BR ice cream. Today is the 31'st of March and do you guys know what that means? It means that BR is having 31% discount. HOORAY..! I love BR..!

Aite now I really wanted to buy an iPhone. But I still have to survey around to make the best decission. If any of you, readers out there have some suggestion, feel free to tell me.

That's all for now. Later...
-Danial Kaoru-

1 comment:

  1. hahaha..kesian ko...
    cakap ah kat org kat phone booth tu..ko nak beli kedai dia pon mampu...wawawa...
